If you are ready to take your leadership skills
and work success to the next level…
…but you constantly feel overworked, undervalued,
gaslit, isolated, and unworthy.
Many work environments BENEFIT from
employees who have been conditioned
to accept toxic productivity + perfectionism
and shrug it off as ‘normal’ and ‘part of the job.’
Unfortunately, this pressure drains employees
and keeps their confidence low.
If you are someone whose confidence or sense of self is deeply affected
by toxic work environments OR someone in a position of LEADERSHIP to enact change…
Why perfectionism has nothing to do with your self-worth or being ‘GOOD ENOUGH.’
What long-term effects UNCHECKED PERFECTIONISM and toxic productivity
can have on your work performance, happiness, and health.
How to IDENTIFY perfectionist culture & the toxic productivity mindset in yourself and your workplace.